Is Yoga Good for Strength Training?

Strength training does not always have to be so cumbersome. The best way to practice some strength training is by doing yoga. You are probably wondering – can yoga replace strength training?

If you didn’t know – yoga can also help build strength. It depends on the type you practice, but it also depends on your fitness objectives as to whether it is appropriate.

While gentle yoga won’t help you gain the strength you would need for a powerlifting competition, more intense yoga forms can offer the advantages of consistent strength training.

Sports West’s yoga classes in Reno, NV , offer sessions to help you perform and master different yoga poses for strength.

How Does Yoga Count as Strength Training?

Practicing yoga can leave you feeling in all types of ways – tired, a little bit breathless, and sometimes relaxed. Several yoga styles count as a form of bodyweight strength training. You often hold positions and postures like lunges and planks for a certain period. These give you strength.

You might also balance your weight on your arms or one leg. These movements use your body weight instead of weights or machines. They stress your muscles, which makes them adapt and grow stronger.

On the other hand, slower-paced yoga, such as yin and restorative yoga, wouldn’t qualify as strength training as they mostly involve seated or reclined poses. This means it is usually chilled rather than being a bit more challenging.

So, if the yoga style is not stressing out your muscles, are you even doing strength training?

Your muscles contract or engage in different ways as you go through the postures. An eccentric movement might be lowering oneself into a lunge for Warrior 1 stance. A muscle lengthens during an eccentric contraction because strain or force is applied to it.

Lower body muscles, including the hamstrings and quadriceps, work in a warrior posture. These muscles extend as they contract. It is an isometric action to hold the lunge. Your muscles shorten and lengthen as they contract.

According to some studies, changing between positions causes your muscles to contract more than retaining a posture.

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Types of Yoga for Strength Training

As for what types of yoga build strength, here are some of the yoga styles you can do to practice strength training –

1. Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga is a stringent and physically demanding yoga style. It follows a specific sequence of poses and emphasizes a continuous flow. This practice builds strength through its demanding sequences. Don’t worry if you cannot touch your toe. Just remember, you are doing better than being a couch potato.

Ashtanga yoga requires significant muscle engagement and control. Ashtanga means “eight limbs.” Here are the eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga –

  • Yama (Principles)
  • Niyama (Personal Discipline)
  • Asana (Postures)
  • Prayanama (Practices)
  • Pratyahara (Isolation)
  • Dharana (Concentration)
  • Dhyana (Meditation)
  • Samadhi (Salvation)

Ashtanga, with its rapid transitions between poses, helps improve muscular endurance and overall body strength. (Provide links to yoga pages here)

2. Power Yoga

Power Yoga is an energetic form of yoga that focuses on strength and stamina. It includes a variety of poses. Thus making it excellent for building muscle and endurance. Power Yoga often includes challenging arm balances, inversions, and core-strengthening poses. Sports West yoga studio in Reno, NV, offers the best power yoga session in the city.

They target specific muscle groups. The continuous flow and high-intensity nature of this yoga help boost heart rate. You may also sweat like a fountain. Thus promoting cardiovascular fitness while simultaneously building muscle strength. The poses are challenging, and you move from one pose to the next instantly.

Hence, it has been proved that you don’t need a gym. All you need is a mat for building strength and endurance.

3. Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa involves a spirited flow of poses associated with breath. This yoga encourages continuous movements that engage multiple muscle groups. Thus promoting strength and flexibility simultaneously. The flowing nature of Vinyasa requires constant muscle engagement to maintain proper alignment and balance throughout the practice.

The combination of strength-building poses, such as chaturanga (plank pose) and upward-facing dog, along with the continuous flow, helps develop overall body strength and muscular endurance. Ultimately, it increases the flexibility of your muscles.

Call now to Experience the Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga and find your Inner Balance!

4. Rocket Yoga

Rocket Yoga incorporates elements of Ashtanga and emphasizes inversions and arm balances. This yoga style is designed to build strength quickly and effectively, making it suitable for those looking to enhance their physical power.

Rocket Yoga includes challenges such as advanced poses and sequences that require significant upper body, core, and leg strength. It might sweat you out, or you might fall out of pose, but trust me, you will be more energetic than ever.

The focus on inversions and arm balances helps develop the necessary strength and stability to execute these challenging postures.

5. Forrest Yoga

Forrest Yoga focuses on core strength and endurance. They often include holding poses for extended periods. This style is particularly beneficial for building muscle and improving overall body awareness.

By holding poses for longer durations, Forrest Yoga encourages deep muscle engagement and activation. Yoga classes in Reno, NV, help you develop muscle endurance and strength with Forrest Yoga.

6. Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga uses props to help you hold poses longer. This can significantly enhance muscle endurance and strength. The focus on alignment and detail also helps in building a strong foundation.

Iyengar yoga emphasizes proper form and technique. By using props such as blocks, straps, and blankets, you can hold poses for extended periods. Thus allowing for deeper muscle engagement and strength development.


Yoga is an effective form of strength training by enhancing muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility. At Sports West Athletic Club – our Yoga studio in Reno, NV, use bodyweight yoga poses that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, promoting functional strength.

Poses such as planks and warrior positions require significant muscle engagement, leading to improved core stability and overall strength.

Yoga improves flexibility, which can boost performance in other workouts and reduce the risk of injuries. It also promotes better posture and body awareness, which are essential for safe lifting techniques.

Explore What We Offer At Sports West Athletic Club In Reno
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Join SWAC and Start Your Strength Training in Reno, Nevada!

If you want to enhance your fitness journey, consider Sports West for the transformative effects of engaging in yoga for strength training in Reno. Our sports club has a lap pool and several training areas. Moreover, you can participate in more than 100 fitness activities, including Zumba, pilates, and HIIT.

No wonder we are the best fitness club in Nevada; Book Your First Session Now!